
django-sitegate provides some utility functions for your convenience.


This decorator is a shortcut comprising three basic decorators:

  • @signin_view
  • @signup_view
  • @redirect_signedin

This decorator can accept the same keyword arguments as @signin_view and @signup_view:

from django.shortcuts import render

from sitegate.toolbox import sitegate_view

# Let's use Twitter Bootstrap template, and style both sign in & sign up form accordingly.
@sitegate_view(widget_attrs={'class': 'span6', 'placeholder': lambda f: f.label}, template='form_bootstrap')
def entrance(request):
    return render(request, 'entrance.html', {'title': 'Sign in & Sign up'})


sitegate knowns that in most cases you don’t want users to access sign in and sign up pages after they are logged in, so it gives you @redirect_signedin decorator for your views:


This decorator redirects logged in users to another location, when they try to access the page.

Default redirect URL is a site root - /

from django.shortcuts import render

from sitegate.toolbox import redirect_signedin

@redirect_signedin  # Let's prevent logged in users from accessing our sign in page.
def login(request):
    return render(request, 'login.html', {'title': 'Login'})

The decorator accepts the same parameters as redirect from django.shortcuts.

It means that you can instruct it where logged in users should be redirected to:

def login(request):
    return render(request, 'login.html', {'title': 'Login'})


Django 1.5 introduces custom user model support. To be compatible with that, sitegate is equipped with USER variable which resides in sitegate.utils. It will always address the appropriate User model, so that you can use it in your sign up and sign in flows and forms.


Please note, that sitegate with its’ build-in sign in/up flows relies on the fact that User model has some basic attributes: username, email, password, is_active, set_password.